K’Nana joined Kinross in 2013 as a truck operator and was quickly promoted to a shovel operator after demonstrating an in-depth knowledge of the equipment essential to his function, pairing quality and quantity to deliver results.
In 2019, K’Nana achieved record performance, loading an average of 3,500 tons per shift. He achieved this by safely mastering a complex maneuver that involves excavating ore using the articulated arms of the machine and using jacks and buckets to hoist himself into target areas. In doing this, K’Nana uses the maximum capacity of his machine and surpasses targets of ore loaded.
As a leading operator, K’Nana is often asked to cover shifts for lead hands, even in unfamiliar situations. He will often share his best practices with colleagues, and works closely with new operators to provide tips that increase their performance and production results for the mine.
“K’Nana demonstrates leadership and a commitment to improving overall production at Tasiast by working closely with his peers and helping to improve the workforce,” said Djigo Cheikh Abdoullahi, Mine Superintendent, Tasiast. “We have seen significant results since his arrival at the mine and his track record follows him to each team he works with. We are thankful for his hard work, and commitment to high performance culture for himself and his team.”