In December, Kinross Bald Mountain partnered with the Elko Area Chamber of Commerce to provide US$15,000 worth of ‘Chamber Checks’ to organizations supporting foster children, the homeless and victims of domestic violence. This was the first initiative of its kind between a mining company and the Elko Chamber of Commerce.
The cheques can be redeemed for food, supplies and resources at local businesses in the community in an effort to support families in need, while also ensuring that the funds stay within Elko to continue supporting local businesses. The Bald Mountain team also provided an additional US$5,000 worth of cheques to White Pine County for those in need.
Captured above, Matthew Miller, CSR Specialist, Bald Mountain (left), and Billie Crapo, Elko Chamber of Commerce representative (right), present ‘chamber checks’ to Deana Utt, from the Elko committee against domestic violence.