Tasiast reaches one year without a LTI

Congratulations, Kinross Tasiast!

On June 8th, 2018, the team successfully completed one year without a Lost Time Injury (LTI), totaling approximately 9.6 million work hours combined.

The team credits this success to their daily focus on safety and preventative measures taken to mitigate the risk of potential injuries.

“I am both proud and excited to share that Tasiast has reached one year without a LTI. Safety milestones like this motivate us to continue making safety our top priority,” said Daniel Marini, Vice-President, General Manager & Country Manager, Tasiast. “I would like to thank our safety teams and all employees on the ground who contributed to making this success a reality. With your commitment to safety, our mine operates better each day.”

An LTI refers to any incident that would lead to a work stoppage or any loss of time associated with an injury. This metric is monitored by the HSE Department who regularly measures indicators such as LTI frequency rate or Total Reportable Injuries Frequency Rates (TRIFR).

The Tasiast team gathers to celebrate the accomplishment on June 8. 

Daniel Marini, Vice-President, General Manager & Country Manager, Tasiast, stops for a photo while on a safety check 

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