A COO Safety Message: World Day for Safety and Health at Work

Since 2003, April 28 has been recognized as the “World Day for Safety and Health at Work” to promote a safe working environment and to put the highest priority on the principles of prevention. On this occasion, I ask everyone at Kinross to take a moment to reflect on what safety means to you, your team, and your family.

For me it’s about doing no harm. Nothing we do is so important and no imperative is so urgent that we can’t take the time to do our work in a manner that doesn’t harm our people, the environment, or the communities that host us. Let’s make sure to take the time to do the job the right way, with the right tools, the right procedures, and the right controls to manage the risks every time, every day.  

In particular, we need to take special care and to be alert when something unexpected happens during a job or when there is schedule pressure. When these things occur, especially when they occur together, the risk of a serious or fatal injury increases.  Take the time to reassess the work, consider the risks, and take the steps necessary to mitigate them. 

Last year, our safety performance remained solid, but we suffered a tragic fatality, the first for our Company since 2012. The death of Alexander Syutin at Kupol a few months ago is a harsh reminder of how quickly things can go wrong.

Every day as you do your work, take a moment to make sure you have the best plan and controls in place to do your work safely. Before starting the work, think about what could go wrong and have a plan in case it does. Take time to discuss the work with your team members, and your supervisor. Decide as a group the potential hazards and the best way to do the job.  And if something changes or you feel schedule pressure, pay attention to those red flags. 

Safety at Work isn’t something to think about once a year, it’s something we must live each and every day.

Lauren Roberts
Chief Operating Officer

Kinross was recently awarded the National Mining Associations (NMA) Independent safety certification under the CORESafety System. Click here to access our feature on CORESafety TV.

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