Kinross Bald Mountain supports 4th annual Eureka Youth Soccer Camp!

This summer, employees from Bald Mountain volunteered to support the 4th annual Eureka Youth Soccer Camp! The camp brought together 38 children from Eureka, Nevada, who participated in three half-day training sessions to learn a variety of skills and exercises to prepare them for the season.

This initiative started five years ago when Kinross employees began working with local community sports programs to develop soccer camps to help new players learn basic skills and rules of the game, and refresh the memory of returning players. This camp is a great opportunity for our employees to reach out to local communities and to support youth sports.

Captured above, Vicente Ramirez, Continuous Improvement Manager, Nevada (back, middle), with some of the students involved in the camp. A big thank you to all the employees who volunteered their time for this special program!

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