On January 19, 2021, Kinross Fort Knox
marked a significant milestone by celebrating three million hours worked
without a Lost-Time Injury (LTI)! Fort Knox credits their ‘See It – Own It –
Solve It’ (SOS) program as an integral part of this milestone that encourages
on-the-ground employees to address safety each day and provide suggestions to
improve the workplace.
“Achievements like these are not accomplished without a strong focus, as well
as participation and engagement from employees,” said Keith Arens, Health and Safety Manager, Fort Knox. “This milestone
highlights our exceptional safety record and serves as a reminder that it takes
diligence to excel when managing safety.”
Captured above, the SOS program’s administrative team. From left to right: John Robinson, Inventory Analyst, Bettina Campbell, HR coordinator, Tyler Williamson, Process Maintenance Mechanic, Sheila Pino, Administrative Assistant, Lyndon Thayer, Mill Mechanic, Justin Cabe, CI Rotational Leadership Development, Stacie Minton, Accounting Technician, and Kyle Walton, SOS Coordinator.