Kinross Russia donates medical scanner to local hospital

As part of Kinross Russia’s $1.82 million commitment to support local communities during COVID-19 the Company has purchased a tomography system for a local hospital in the Khabarovsk community.

The tomography system will provide real time 3D data and images similar to a ‘CAT scan’ to allow medical professionals to better assess the severity of COVID-19 infections, among other illnesses.

Captured above, medical staff and Kinross representative Anna Maslova, Chief Accountant, Udinsk Gold LLC (left), upon receiving the medical equipment

Kinross Alaska sponsors Yukon Quest Dog Sled Race
February 12, 2025

Kinross Alaska sponsors Yukon Quest Dog Sled Race

Kinross Gold receives Outstanding Business Achievement in Sustainability Award from the Canadian Council for the Americas
February 11, 2025

Kinross Gold receives Outstanding Business Achievement in Sustainability Award from the Canadian Council for the Americas

Kinross Great Bear participates in ice rescue training
January 23, 2025

Kinross Great Bear participates in ice rescue training