This week, Fort Knox celebrates the one-year anniversary of the ceremonial groundbreaking for the Gilmore Expansion Project at the mine!
Since 2018, the project is progressing ahead of budget and schedule, with initial ore expected later in the year. Heap Leach construction is underway and expects to lay 2.2 million square feet of impermeable liner by the end of 2019. Dewatering for the pit expansion is proceeding according to plan and stripping for the initial pushback is on target to begin in late Q3 2019.
The pipeline connecting the mill to the new heap leach will begin construction in Q3 2019 and is expected to be commissioned in 2020.
“This first year of construction for Gilmore has been a great success,” said Jeremy Brans, Vice-President and General Manager, Fort Knox. “This is likely our toughest, but most important year and we are beating our schedule and budget. The team is doing a great job, and we are expecting great results from this project.”
The Gilmore Expansion Project expects to extend mine life at Fort Knox by five years to 2027, adding approximately 1.5 million gold equivalent ounces to life-of-mine production.
The Barnes Creek Heap Leach pads

Ongoing construction at the Heap Leach pads