Congratulations to Fort Knox for pouring their 8 millionth ounce of gold on October 9th, over 20 years into its mine life. The team also reached1.5 million hours without a Lost Time Injury (LTI).
To commemorate this milestone, a celebration was held at the mine for employees and local government representatives.
“Fort Knox is known for its operational excellence and technical expertise,” said Mike Sylvestre, Senior Vice-President, Americas Operations. “The mine operates with safety as a top priority, and equally impressive as the 8 million ounces poured is the fact that the mine just achieved 1.5 million hours without any LTI’s.”
Fort Knox also recently celebrated the one-year anniversary of the Gilmore expansion groundbreaking. The expansion expects to extend mine life by five years to 2027, adding approximately 1.5 million gold equivalent ounces to life-of-mine production.
Kinross remains committed to being a good neighbour in the Fairbanks community – the mine currently employs about 650 local residents in full-time positions, paying approximately US$80 million in annual wages and benefits. Fort Knox also contributes to the community through donations and volunteerism in education programs, health and safety training, and community events.