“Integrar na Praça” Celebrates Arts and Culture in Paracatu

Kinross Paracatu hosted a popular arts and cultural festival, “Integrar na Praça” in August attended by more than 1,500 city residents. The festival (Integrar at the square), included art workshops, games and various sports for both children and adults, while local artists performed throughout the day. 

“Integrar na Praça” highlights initiatives of the Integrar Program. Created by Kinross in 2011, the program creates personal and professional development opportunities for the Paracatu community, with a focus on education, culture, generation of income and jobs, and environmental education.

This marked the second edition of the event in 2014. 

Children participate in a painting workshop during “Integrar na Praça”.

Children from the São Domingos community perform the traditional Balaio dance.

Children hold up a sign that says “I went to Integrar na Praça”. 

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