On April 28th, we marked the United Nation’s ‘World Day for Safety and Health at Work’ by holding a virtual ‘Stand-Up for Safety’ meeting with our global and site leadership teams to reinforce our commitment to working safely and discuss ways to strengthen our safety performance.
The event gave each site the opportunity to share their ongoing safety initiatives and how they are making a positive impact on employees’ health and safety. The groups were able to discuss new ideas and how they are building on our safety culture.
At the end of the meeting, J. Paul Rollinson, President & CEO and Paul Tomory, Chief Technical Officer, presented the 2020 Safety Awards! Here are this year’s winners:
- CEO Award for Best Safety
Performance – Kinross Chile
- Maricunga and La Coipa completed over 1.2 million hours worked without a single reportable injury and no lost days, earning them the CORESEMIN Award for Best Safety Performance of a mining company in the Atacama region!
- CTO Award for Most Improved
Performance – Kinross Paracatu
- In 2020, Paracatu’s Critical Risk Management (CRM) program focused on finding solutions to risks such as chemicals, hot work and ground control. Over the course of the year, the team had nine critical risks under management, 13 different risk owners and conducted 19 deep dive reviews!
“Safety is the foundation of our culture and it is important that we keep improving our processes and build on our record of excellence to ensure each member of our team goes home safe every day,” said Paul. “We should not have to wait for an incident to occur to stop and focus on safety, and we all need to continue our vigilance to keep this top of mind in every task we do.”
Congratulations Kinross Chile and Paracatu on your awards, and to our remaining sites for prioritizing a safety culture and working together to stand-up for safety!