Check out Kinross Chile’s new YouTube video, produced by our very own Juan Catalan Figueroa, Communications about the many positive benefits our operations have brought to the local communities, from scholarships and donations, to taxes and local procurement. Watch it here.
The video debuted at a rock concert in September hosted by Kinross in Copiapó with popular Chilean band, Los Jaivas. The event, attended by more than 6,00 people, looked to celebrate community spirit after torrential rains last March destroyed homes and infrastructure.
“We wanted to show how we’ve been able to support the community through jobs, using Chilean suppliers and making donations to local groups,” said Jose Tomas Letelier, Vice-President of Government Affairs, Chile.
Look for a video of the concert on the Chile YouTube channel coming soon.
A promotional poster for the new video
After an educational class with members of the local Colla indigenous group, one of the ways Kinross is contributing in the community