Tasiast and Paracatu teams reach safety milestones

Congratulations to teams at Tasiast and Paracatu for reaching impressive safety milestones recently.

Paracatu’s Process Laboratory marked 30 years without Lost Time Injuries (LTI). That is an impressive 10,950 days or 262,800 hours.

The team celebrated by signing a joint ‘Commitment to Safety’ declaration that continues to encourage the team to put safety first every day.

“We are lucky to work at a Company where people are committed to safety, and watch out for one another to prevent accidents. Feeling safe at work helps us perform our jobs better,” said Marina Barbosa, Assistant, Paracatu.

At Tasiast, the exploration department achieved the milestone of five and a half years without a LTI.

“The first thing I noticed when I started at Tasiast was employee dedication to making safety their top priority. A milestone like this shows our commitment to working safely every day,” said Moussa Gabriel Dao, Exploration Manager, Tasiast. 

Members of the Paracatu Process Laboratory pictured at the declaration celebration

Employees gather around the Process Laboratory team to see the signing of the safety declaration 

Members of the Tasiast exploration department  

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