Tasiast reaches safety milestone

Congratulations to the Tasiast team for reaching 7.5 million man hours without a single lost time injury (LTI). The mine achieved the milestone at the end of June and continues to improve its already impressive safety record. Tasist is known for its commitment to overall safety in the workplace and won a 2013 LOVA award for the most improved safety performance. Since 2011, they have significantly improved their Total Reportable Injury Frequency Rates by decreasing it to 0.27 from 1.38.

“Thank you to our employees and contractors for their hard work and making safety a top priority every time they come to work,” said Abdelaziz Ould Ahmedou, Health and Safety Manager, Tasiast.

“This rewarding result is a reflection of our commitment to safety as a number one priority in every aspect of the work we do at Tasiast,” Raitt Marshall, Acting Vice-President and General Manager.

Members of the Tasiast team before a safety training session


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