Kinross has recently provided a ‘Critical Risk Management Workshop’ at our West Africa sites. The program trains people to analyze high-risk activities and to identify controls to manage them and to reduce the likelihood of injuries.
The program, which takes place over a five-day period, begins with identifying the top high risk activities at the site. The next two days involve classroom and field work to establish new controls to mitigate the risk of hazards. The last two days focus on incorporating the new controls into everyday practices at work.
Some examples of critical risks are working at heights, lifting and rigging, Isolation of Energy, and vehicle safety from either haulage or light-duty transportation.
“At Kinross, safety will always be our top priority. Our job is not just gold production, but getting our people home safe at the end of every shift,” said Michael Meighen, Director, Corporate Health and Safety. “Each year, 2.3 million people die world-wide due to workplace health and safety incidents. The Critical Risk Management Workshop helps us reduce the possibility of this being one of our own by identifying potential hazards and implementing controls before they cause harm.”
Tasiast successfully piloted the program and Chirano was the second site to complete the program. The project is being rolled out across the Company in 2018.
The Tasiast team during a classroom session for the Critical Risk Controls Workshop
The Operations and Health and Safety team members during the Critical Risk Controls Workshop at Chirano.