Helping Babies Breathe through Project C.U.R.E. in Mauritania

Kinross Tasiast continued its support of Project C.U.R.E. by bringing the ‘Helping Babies Breathe’ program to Mauritania. The training program teaches local nurses and midwives resuscitation techniques to save a newborn’s life in the first critical minutes after birth to help lower infant mortality rates.

The World Health Organization estimates that one million babies die each year of asphyxia at birth.

The workshop took place in Nouakchott at the beginning of August and trained 24 participants, mostly midwives, from the 12 regions in Mauritania.

Since 2012, Kinross Tasiast has sponsored the US-based NGO Project C.U.R.E. in Mauritania by shipping medical supplies worth over US$2.5 million to local hospitals. In June, Kinross expanded its partnership with Project C.U.R.E. to deliver an additional US$7 million in donated medical supplies to Mauritania and Ghana over the next three years and this includes training for the ‘Helping Babies Breathe’ program.

“Our commitment to the people of Mauritania is sincere. We are dedicated to helping improve living conditions, especially when it comes to peoples’ health and wellbeing,” said Fabiana Illescas, Africa Regional Community Relations Manager.

Practicing resuscitation techniques during the ‘Helping Babies Breath’ program

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