In line with Kinross’ Health & Safety Blueprint and people-centric approach, we are excited to launch our new Human and Organizational Performance (HOP) & Operational Learning Teams (OLT) training program across our global operations to help further embed Kinross’ progressive health & safety philosophy.
“As we continue our journey towards operational excellence, we will explore a number of tools to enable our teams to be part of the solution,” said Claude Schimper, Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer. “We are relentless in our desire to learn and grow as a team, and using the operational learning teams will support that.”
Click here to listen to a podcast from Claude on the evolution of Kinross Safefy Excellence journey towards Operational Excellence.
The program kicked off with a global call hosted by Claude in which employees and business partners were invited to participate in a series of modules on Kinross University to gain an initial understanding of HOP, and to introduce the basic functions of Operational Learning Teams (OLTs). This is followed by onsite training which includes a half day session for leadership and OLT sponsors, followed by two days of interactive OLT facilitator training.
Click here to access the HOP and OLT modules on Kinross University.
For more information on HOP, click here to listen to a podcast from Ian Ross, Vice-President, Global Health and Safety, on operationalizing Human and Organizational Performance.
The first wave of trainings has been completed at Tasiast, Paracatu, Round Mountain, Bald Mountain, Fort Knox and Manh Choh, and will be rolled out across all operating sites by the end of May. The second and third waves are expected to be complete by December 2024 and will include Toronto office. Future plans are in place for training at Kettle River and Great Bear.

Stay tuned for more information on Kinross World about our global operations roll-out of HOP and OLT coming soon!