Kinross Tasiast recently achieved first ignition at the Wartsila power plant, a 40-megawatt power station designed to provide additional energy to the mine for the 24k project.
Commissioning of the new power plant, which is located approximately 10 miles from the CIL plant it will be feeding, continues to advance well. The Power Plant is expected to be operational in late Q4 2021.
“First ignition is a notable milestone for the Wartsila Power Plant and the Tasiast 24k project,” said Rachel Yang, Project Manager, Tasiast. “The plant will play a significant role in our future growth strategy for Tasiast and achieving this milestone is a step in the right direction for continuing to move this project forward.”
The Tasiast 24k project is expected to increase the mine’s throughput to 21,000 t/d by Q1 2022 and to 24,000 t/d by mid-2023, and extend life of mine by four years to 2033. For more information on the 24k project, visit the news release here.