Kinross Tasiast was proud to welcome three delegations of Mauritanian government officials to the mine this summer including Mauritanian Parliamentarians, the National Union of Mauritanian Employers (UNPM) and the Ministry of Public Service and Labour.
The purpose of the visits were to show day-to-day mining activities at Tasiast, while sharing information about the workforce and the positive impacts Kinross has made on local communities and businesses.
During the tour, attendees met with Gavin Ferguson, Vice-President and General Manager, Tasiast, and Brahim M’barek, President, Tasiast, for a tour of the mine including the West Branch pit, maintenance workshop, dispatch room, processing plant and employees camp facilities.
Attendees listened to presentations in their respective areas-of-focus including Kinross’ contribution to the economy, environmental-protection measures, strong governance procedures, supply chain protocols, including ourtransparent management of contracts with local suppliers, and our commitment to workplace health and safety. The delegations then had an opportunity to ask questions to senior management and to provide feedback on areas for improvement.
A special thank you to the honourable attendees including the Minister of Labour, the Wali of Inchiri, the Hakem of Benichab, the four parliamentary members from the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and the President of the UNPM.
“It was indeed a great pleasure and privilege to welcome members of the Mauritanian Government and National Union to the Tasiast Gold Mine to share information about the mine, and to highlight and share the significant contributions Tasiast has made to the country and our communities,” said Gavin Ferguson. “We were pleased with the positive response from the visitors following their visits and value their feedback to continue strengthening our operation. We look forward to continuing the collaboration and spirit of working together with all our stakeholders as we continue to build on our success into the future.”