In line with our commitment to Putting People First, Kinross Round Mountain is working cross-functionally to identify and address safety concerns across all levels of the mine through the ‘Safety Rush Program’.
The program uses reporting system ‘iAuditor’ to encourage employees to provide feedback on safety concerns, suggest innovations and flag areas for improvement. Each month, a new safety topic is chosen based on employee feedback, and promoted across the mine with posters that feature safety shares, highlights and reminders. At the end of each month, managers from each department meet to review the feedback from the system and implement new ideas from employees.
Caleb Trease, Safety General Foreman, Round Mountain, developed the idea after working closely with team managers to conduct monthly ‘work area inspections’ prior to the program’s initiation. He realized the strongest voices were on-the-ground employees with first-hand experience around potential hazards and wanted to create a simplified procedure to make their voices heard.
Since the program’s inception in 2020, seven ideas have been implemented based on topics ranging from managing fatigue, handrail safety and pre-op inspections.
“We have been overwhelmed by the fantastic feedback from employees through the program,” said Caleb. “We believe that by generating input from the front lines and using it to direct site-wide efforts, we are bringing important topics to the surface and fostering a culture of safety and ownership across Round Mountain.”