Video: See Paracatu’s positive social and economic impacts in the community

Paracatu’s positive social and economic impacts in the community have been highlighted in a video produced by Time For Global Action, which is partnered with the United National Development Programme.

Click here to watch the video and see how Paracatu supports local job creation and helps develop social and economic skills to set the town up for continued success even after the mine closes. The video has aired globally on Bloomberg TV.

Kinross and the mining industry has helped to improve the quality of life in Paracatu. In the past 25 years, Paracatu’s Composite Human Development Index has moved ahead of both Brazil and the state of Minas Gerais, where the mine is located.

“Our city has grown and benefitted since Kinross’ arrival,” said Arilson Carvalho, a maintenance contractor at Paracatu.

The mine has become an integral part of the town – not only does it provide jobs, it has also helped to empower local community members by providing training so people have new skills and opportunities.

“Kinross won’t be here forever, but we want to build a legacy to leave behind for the people of Paracatu,” said Ana Maria Ferreira CunhaCommunications and Community Manager, Paracatu.

Through the Integrar program, Paracatu has also been able to support education and environmental programs. Because the mine is located close to the town, Paracatu has a proactive and transparent approach to community relations.

“We take the community into consideration when we make decisions. For example, when we are performing mining operations at the mine that causes an inconvenience to the community, the people in charge of operations are free to halt the process to address the concern,” said Gilberto Azevedo, Vice-President and General Manager, Paracatu.

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