Check out Kinross’ Corporate Responsibility awards and recognitions for 2019!

At Kinross, corporate responsibility is integral to our business strategy and mining responsibly is engrained in our day-to-day work across our global operations. In 2019, we were recipients of several CR and Operations awards as a result of our teams’ dedication, commitment to high standards and sharp focus. Check them out here:

Kinross Gold Corporation:

  • Globe and Mail Board Games: Achieved the highest ranking among mining companies in The Globe and Mail’s 2019 annual corporate governance survey, with a score of 91/100 – placing 33rd out of 224 companies and trusts.
  • Greater Toronto Top Employers: Recognized for the second consecutive year for exceeding workplace best practices and community involvement, and published in The Globe and Mail.
  • Trout Unlimited Corporate Conservation Award: First mining company to receive this award for its commitment to corporate responsibility and conservation.  
  • Jantzi Social Index: Maintained Company listing on the JSI for the 12th consecutive year and were reconfirmed for inclusion in the Ethibel Excellence Investment Register.
  • RobecoSAM’s Corporate Sustainability Assessment: Scored in the 88th percentile of the assessment, amongst 61 metals and mining companies evaluated.

Kinross Operations:

  • Russia: For the second year running, Kinross Russia received top ranking from World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Russia for its Environmental Transparency Ranking of Russian mining and metals companies.
  • Chirano: The mine was recognized at the 2019 Sustainability and Social Investment (SSI) Awards, receiving three awards as the top company in skill development projects, stakeholder engagement and supporting local content.
  • Fort Knox: National Mining Association (NMA) recognized Fort Knox’s outstanding safety performance with the Sentinels of Safety Award in the large metals category for achieving 1.5 million hours without a Lost Time Injury (LTI).
  • Nevada: Round Mountain and Bald Mountain received mine safety awards from the Nevada Mining Association (NvMA).
  • Round Mountain: Received the Lifetime leader in Sustainability award from NV Energy.

“This impressive track record of awards, especially achieved in a short one-year timeframe, demonstrates our commitment to putting our CR approach into practice and our core value of Putting People First,” said Dominic Channer, Vice-President, Community Relations.“Our First Priorities – Health and Safety, Environment, and Communities – are grounded in our values and drive our focus on operational excellence.”

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