Round Mountain is proving that sometimes the best teams are made by bringing together players with different skillsets.
The site is getting big returns by taking a cross-functional approach to the “Way Forward”, bringing together multiple departments to form dedicated teams focused on achieving key mine results. Facilitated by a member of the Continuous Improvement (CI) team, employees from cross-functional departments meet monthly, or more if necessary, to achieve a common goal.
The CI facilitator acts as a third party whose goal is to ensure that departments are communicating with each other, working together, and understanding how actions (or lack of action) by one department can impact another.
“The Way Forward team concept has received high participation from most departments on site. Past success has inspired positive involvement,” explains Frank Wagener (CI Manager, Round Mountain). “Participants believe they can count on each other and have the support of senior mine leadership in achieving successful implementation of the desired end result.”
Learn about the different Way Forward teams above, and how they are working together as one toward continuous improvement.