See how card readers save Tasiast $350,000 annually

At the Tasiast mine site, employees and contractors are constantly moving in and out of the accommodation site. Until recently, when an employee left the camp site without passing by the reception desk to deactivate their badge, Tasiast continued to be charged for another 24 hour stay because it was assumed the employee was still there. The camp, which is run by a third party supplier, continued to bill accommodation for people who were no longer on site.

To better track the number of employees at camp, and make the process more efficient, camp management developed a new system by installing new card readers at the main gate to immediately deactivate badges when anyone leaves site. This simple change had an enormous effect. 

Previously, around 27 employees would leave the site every day without deactivating their badges at the camp reception. By moving the card reader to somewhere more accessible, and ensuring all employees use it to get in and out of the camp, the site was able to realize big savings.

This continuous improvement idea is expected to help save nearly $350,000 each year!

“It’s a great example of a Continuous Improvement in action,” said Pascal Tardieu, Camp Manager, Tasiast. “The camp card reader idea shows how we can all improve Tasiast by making suggestions to create a more efficient and cost effective workplace. Thank you to the entire camp team and all employees for working together to make this idea a reality.”

Mohamed Lemine Ba, Camp Supervisor and Pascal Tardieu, Camp Manager

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