Since joining Kinross, Tayla has proven herself to be a hardworking, resourceful employee who puts her colleagues at the forefront each day. A well-known employee at Bald Mountain, Tayla ensures her peers’ spirits are up, and will lend a hand where she can.
Primarily supporting the mine operations and technical services teams at Bald, Tayla is not afraid to embed herself in other departments in need of additional resources. She can regularly be found working outside scheduled hours to go above and beyond to provide support for someone in need.
Tayla created a thought-provoking course about bias in the workplace to ensure employees were up to speed on unconscious bias and the negative impact it can have on business, and employee performance. The course was an excellent opportunity to have employees think outside the box, and address any unconscious biases they may have.
“Tayla is a special person at Kinross – I have seen her open her door to any department and offer help at all hours of the day,” said Dale Thompson, Interim HR Manager, Bald Mountain. “Tayla will dedicate her personal time to help others because it is the right thing to do, and her interaction with employees is second to none. Her kindness is a significant factor that contributes to the success of Bald Mountain.”
Tayla makes herself available to employees at all times to provided support in either their work or personal lives. She has proven herself to be the prime example of someone who puts people first and we are lucky to have her on our team. Congratulations Tayla!